ARTISTIK (Circus):
March 16th: The training weekend for our acrobatics group Impuls runs from March 14th to 16th, so the open acrobatics on Sunday, March 16th is unfortunately cancelled.
March 23rd: Due to the European Unicycle Convention, the open acrobatics on Sunday, March 23rd will not start until 4 p.m.

Attention road construction site: June 2024-March 2025, Christian-Sünner-Straße from the AHK entrance to Dillenburger Straße will be renovated and will therefore be closed. During this period, the AHK can only be reached via Kantstrasse and Wiersbergstrasse. On foot or by bike via Heinrich-Bützler-Straße and from the west via the green belt from Neuerburgstraße.

ANMELDUNG per Mail an Dany:

Kunstworkshop - In Kooperation mit „Ich zeig dir was!“

Der Workshop findet am 21.04.23 von 10.00 - 15.00 Uhr in der Halle59 statt und richtet sich an Mächen, junge Frauen & Flinta Personen.

Der Workshop ist kostenfrei!

Weitere Infos findet ihr auf der Homepage und über unsere social media Kanäle.

Halle59 Team Wechsel 2025 SK8 Exchange x Halle59 zum Weltfrauentag!